
Individuals and groups share the work at Zion.

Altar Guild
  Zion's Altar Guild prepares the church for worship, cares for the paraments and linens, sets up and cleans up for Holy Communion.


Sunday School & Learning Ministry
    Zion has a small Sunday School, offers seasonal Bible Study opportunities, and Confirmation Ministry programs.  Sunday school meets on the second and fourth Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM during the school year.  Schedule updates will be in the Sunday bulletin.

Community Kitchen & Garden

Zion's Community Kitchen & Garden provides a monthly free community meal on the third Wednesday of each month (except in December when it's on Christmas Day).  The garden provides fresh produce for use in the meals. We serve about 160 meals each month.  Volunteers are welcome and needed - there are jobs for all skill levels and there are sit-down jobs available.

Finance & Capital Stewardship

  The Finance & Capital Stewardship Committee prepares Zion's annual budget for Council and Congregation review, gives input on issues of church finance, and oversees the Capital Stewardship program.


Health Ministries Team
    Zion's Health Ministries Team offers a variety of caring service including education, care packages, visits, cards, and meals to the ill or bereaved.


Knit & Crochet Group
   Blankets, sweaters and socks are some of the things we have been making to donate to
various charities! Items created are given locally and globally.  If you have never knit or crocheted, and would like to learn how, we are a teaching group!  We welcome experienced folks as well.  We would love to see you there!!  Men are welcome too!   WE MEET ON  the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 1:00 pm in the choir room.

   The care and upkeep of Zion's buildings and grounds is done by individuals and groups. There are always many projects and chores to take care of.  A list is posted in the entryway coatroom.  If you would like to help out with a specific chore, please talk to Pastor Melot or call the church office. 570.992.6988 

   Zion is concerned with helping members be good caretakers of all God's gifts - time, talent, and treasure.  Individuals to represent Stewardship are needed! 


Willing Workers. Evangelism, & Outreach
  This group plans and coordinates congregational gatherings (socials, dinners, etc.) assists with
funeral luncheons as is possible, and sponsors fund raising events for needs in the community, world, and within the church. Meetings are announced and held as needed.  All are invited to come out and join the fun.


 Worship & Music
   The Worship & Music Committee plans the worship and selects the hymns for Sunday and Festival worship services.  They coordinate decorating the church for Christmas, Easter, and  other events.


                Grocery Store Gift Cards:  ShopRite and Weis gift cards are available for sale after the 10:30 AM service. See Dan Montgomery to purchase gift cards. Thank you to all who buy gift cards to support Zion’s youth





February 22, 2025

 Worship Schedule

Join us. for worship on facebook!

Sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 am
Saturdays at 5:00 pm


Free Community  Dinner - Drive-Thru

January 15, Februry 19, March 19
(There was a mistake in the Times News listing the January Dinner as January 1.  That is a typo.  The dinner is on the third Wednesday, January 15!)

5:00-6:00 PM

















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You're invited to join us in worship online on our facebook page.



What is the ELCA?

Find out about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is ELCA page.


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