Meet Pastor Melot.

Rev. E. Ann Melot has been at Zion since October of 2004.  Originally from eastern Long Island, Pastor Melot received her M. Div. from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.   She resides in the parsonage with her Saint Bernard, Erma.


Message from the Pastor


It is my pleasure to welcome you to the congregation at Zion United Lutheran Church and to introduce to you the ministries that we share.  The worship services, the Christian educational classes, the service opportunities, the fellowship events, and the leadership and staff are all reflected here.  But who we are as a faith community can’t truly be captured on a web page; this can only be done in person.  So, I invite you to join us for worship soon!  Be assured that you will be welcomed, but not singled out as visitors.  You will be invited to share in Holy Communion, but not pressured to do so.  And you will be encouraged to worship with us again, but not pestered. 


Children are welcome to our services because we believe they belong with us in worship and praise.  Activity bins for children are available in the narthex just inside the front doors.   The bins include items that may help engage young ones in worship.


If I can assist you in any way, or answer any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 570.992.6988, or to send an email at

I look forward to seeing you at worship!

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Melot

January 17, 2025

 Worship Schedule

Join us. for worship on facebook!

Sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 am
Saturdays at 5:00 pm


Free Community  Dinner - Drive-Thru

January 15, Februry 19, March 19
(There was a mistake in the Times News listing the January Dinner as January 1.  That is a typo.  The dinner is on the third Wednesday, January 15!)

5:00-6:00 PM

















Join Us!

You're invited to join us in worship online on our facebook page.



What is the ELCA?

Find out about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is ELCA page.


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