1919 Route 209, Brodheadsville, PA 18322 

(570) 992-6988


Questions? Concerns? Give us a call. 

Worship Sunday mornings at 8 & 10:30 AM
Saturday evening worship at 5 PM
Masks are now optional

Join us for Sunday worship on Zion's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/zionulc/


All are Welcome!ricnew

Welcome to the Zion United Lutheran Church website. We hope this site will help you learn more about us and our witness for Christ. We strive to recognize and nurture the Christ in ourselves and each person that we encounter along the way.  Zion United Lutheran Church is an assembly of imperfect people living in an imperfect world.  The good news of Jesus Christ is our foundation.  We are drawn together in love and caring and sent out with a mission to share God's grace with others.  We have a long tradition of outreach and service to the community near and far.

 We share in common belief in the fact that forgiveness and life are found in our faith in Jesus Christ. It’s not about the good things we do, or the bad things we do, but in the great thing that Jesus did on the cross.

We don’t always agree with one another, but we are committed to love one another as family. We are all sisters and brothers in Christ. We seek to live our faith in word and deed, knowing that we are the hands and feet of Jesus in our community and world.

We welcome you to join us!

 Zion United Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation.













March 26, 2025

 Worship Schedule

Join us. for worship on facebook!


Sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 am
Saturdays at 5:00 pm


Free Community  Dinner - Drive-Thru

January 15, Februry 19, March 19
(There was a mistake in the Times News listing the January Dinner as January 1.  That is a typo.  The dinner is on the third Wednesday, January 15!)

5:00-6:00 PM

















Join Us!

You're invited to join us in worship online on our facebook page.



What is the ELCA?

Find out about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is ELCA page.


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